Eva C Phillips Consulting, LLC
Early Learning Consultant

“It was such an honor to work with Eva to bring our local school systems together with area preschool staff around the importance of play in early childhood. The collaboration was something I had envisioned but couldn’t process on my own, and Eva made it so seamless. She handled last minute challenges with ease and connected to the 200+ participants on a deep level—I still have teachers coming to me and saying ‘Thank you for getting people in there to say what we all need to hear, and to challenge us to do better things for our children!’ I am really excited to continue work with Eva, as I know this isn’t a one-and-done process, and I know she will be critical every step of the way!"
Stevie Alverson - Professional Development Coordinator
Buncombe County Partnership for Children
Asheville, NC
"During summer 2018, I had the pleasure of attending a training conducted by Eva Phillips entitled “Bridging the Gap between Pre-k and Kindergarten.” In this training session, preschool and kindergarten teachers came together to define play and the tenets of early childhood education that underpin our work in the field. Eva created an environment that allowed teachers from different backgrounds to share their own unique classroom experiences, find unexpected commonalities in their work, and to outline a path for future collaborations that placed a passion for early childhood education at the heart of their work. If you are ever offered the opportunity to hear Eva speak or read any of her work, don’t miss out. She puts sound knowledge of early childhood education and lots of heart into her work and it is sure to inspire!"
I met Eva Phillips in my junior year of college in the Birth-Kindergarten Education program. Her passion for early childhood and support were instrumental in my journey as an educator. Dr. Phillips promoted teaching to the whole child and her belief in the importance of early childhood education shone through as she mentored other students, as well as myself. Later, after I had become a Kindergarten Teacher, I joined the Power of K Teacher Leadership program and Dr. Phillips was once again there to encourage me to do what was best for children. I truly believe that her guidance has made me a better educator and advocate for children.
Jessica Carter - Director
Generations Developmental Day and Adult Day Center
West Jefferson, NC
Brianca S. Alston
1st Grade Teacher
Wake County Public Schools, NC
As a kindergarten teacher, having Dr. Eva Phillips enter my professional life was a game changer for me. Dr. Phillips helped me take the principles I knew in working with and teaching young children and use that knowledge to grow my classroom, my students, and my colleagues in ways that had long-lasting, meaningful impact that truly created positive change. Dr. Phillips not only focused on supporting the further development of best practices in my classroom, she supported developing me as a leader and advocate for young children. Dr. Phillips’s work is grounded in long-standing research of evidence-based practices and current findings of brain research. Anyone who has the privilege of engaging with her professionally will be better equipped for facing the challenges and joys of working with young children in today’s world of education!
Working with Eva was like no other professional development! She’s so knowledgeable, so real, funny, relaxed, organized... She’s able to push others to think and explore concepts and methods and to work outside their comfort zones. I can’t say enough about how much the work our group did with her impacted our teaching and our students!
Ada Goren
WSFCS Power of K Teacher Leader
Kindergarten Teacher
Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools, NC
Juliana Harris
NC Power of K Teacher Leader
Assistant Principal
Beaufort County Schools, NC
Eva Phillips is an amazing advocate for Developmentally Appropriate Practices in education! Her experiences and first-hand knowledge are an integral part of her enthusiasm for helping teachers bring PLAY into their classrooms! I had the privilege of being part of a group of teacher leaders that she organized, called Power of Kindergarten. She provided our group with some of the best, most useful professional development that I have had in my 21 years of Kindergarten teaching experience! She armed us with current research about child development and encouraged us to be advocates for our students so that they could learn through social play and exploration! My students became more excited to learn, had more beneficial social interactions, and were great independent thinkers and problem-solvers! If you have the opportunity to participate in growth opportunities with Dr. Eva Phillips…you will feel empowered to make positive changes for students!
Laura Wilmoth
WSFCS Power of K Teacher Leader
Instructional Facilitator
Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools, NC
"Break out rooms worked really well. It was good to have both small group and large group discussions. Everything was well planned so time was very well utilized."
Feedback on Virtual Zoom Session on Transitions in Light of COVID-19 on June 5, 2020
"Best Zoom experience ever. Enjoyed the breakout rooms, conversations and your ability to navigate using polls and showing instant results was very professional and impressive. "
"I loved the breakout rooms and I honestly felt like more was accomplished using this platform than a typical face to face meeting."
Ashe County, NC
PreK and Kindergarten Teachers